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Flouncy von Bonbon - The Villian of Mystery Island


Nora Snaggle - Menace at Midnight


Violet Fields - The Dastardly Director


Jess - The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)


Nurse - Medea


Caril Ann Fugate - Bullet: A Midwestern Murder Fantasia

Review: "Playing a confused and pained early teen,
Brenna Hill does well capturing a Lolita-brand of wanting... ",  NOLA Defender

Review: "...the actors portray two kids pretending to be adults and grappling
with the grown-up world of guns and lust.", Best of New Orleans


Sissy - Unity (1918)
Irene Ryan Nomination
Review: "Notable performance", Lincoln Jounal


Nina - Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
Review: "...enjoyable and entertaining", Lincoln Journal


Silence - Silence
Irene Ryan Nomination & Best Actress, Student's Choice Award 2013-14
Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival, Region 5 Selected Performance (1 of 4)
Review: "Strong cast...Hill works the difficult role of Silence", Lincoln Journal


Lily/Rhonda/Christine/Joan - Lion in the Streets


Annie - In the Next Room or The Vibrator Play
Review: "a well-balanced ensemble of actors", Lincoln Journal


Trixie Martin - Daisy Pulls it Off
Review: "Brenna Hill, who plays Trixie, was totally in synch with Daisy", Lincoln Journal


Rose - Everybody’s An Asshole in Hell


Lily - And with Your Spirit


Photo Credits:
Mahoney Melodramas Photos courtesy of David Chapelle and Richard Whiting
Medea, Unity, Vanya, Next Room, Silence, Streets, Spirit, Everybody, Photos courtesy of the University of Nebraska (Doug Smith)
Shakespear by Bridget Vacha Photography
Daisy Photos courtesy of the Haymarket Theatre
Bullet Photos by Bridget Vacha Photography (B&W publicity) & Dee Horton Images

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